We can, however, find ourselves in some circumstances because we made poor conscious decisions. This book is about making better choices, better decisions, and taking deliberate actions to the best of our ability that leads to more positive life experiences. We inherit our predominant consciousness through our environment and education. Biological and ancestral imprints give us our DNA coding. Understanding this theory makes it easier to recognize if a subtle or subconscious communication underlies an issues is wreaking havoc in our lives. The holistic picture of our existence is our conscious, subconscious and unconscious presence. This includes the whole of our existence down to our DNA and cellular encoding.
Most individuals are not consciously creating negative events. At the core of our being is wholeness. It is invalid to say a sick person, rape victim, unhealthy baby or child consciously attracted illness or misfortune. No one is to blame, and no one should be faulted for these challenges that happen in all of our lives. Most individuals are not at fault when bad things happen because they did not ‘intentionally’ create the situation. When we look at the linear perspective of the individual experience there are accidents, challenges, winning and losing, and that is simply part of life!
We can, however, find ourselves in some circumstances because we made poor conscious decisions. This book is about making better choices, better decisions, and taking deliberate actions to the best of our ability that leads to more positive life experiences.
We inherit our predominant consciousness through our environment and education. Biological and ancestral imprints give us our DNA coding. Understanding this theory makes it easier to recognize if a subtle or subconscious communication underlies an issues is wreaking havoc in our lives. The holistic picture of our existence is our conscious, subconscious and unconscious presence. This includes the whole of our existence down to our DNA and cellular encoding.
As we go along in life, we may find ourselves in a resonate field of illness, disease, dysfunction and tragedy based on predominant vibrations. Our reality is being influenced by these factors but also includes our immediate surroundings. There are not always clear, definitive answers to why something bad or something good happens.
With that being said, I believe we can inadvertently attract situations from the conscious and subconscious observation of our surroundings. Our surroundings support our belief systems and we can attract a similar vibrational resonance. The reason for deliberate shapeshifting is to attract more of what we desire soulfully.
Since your birth, you may have found yourself in a resonate field of love, bliss, passion, romance, safety, security, financial stability, health and wellbeing. You may have also found yourself at times, in a resonate field of religious abuse, spousal abuse, sexual abuse, relationship abuse and possibly life-threatening violence. Many of us have undergone the entire spectrum of human experience.
Today many of us are engaging in a tremendous amount of spiritual and physiological conscious work on ourselves. We're meditating, praying, attending workshops, seminars, and retreats. This is good news because if mankind is going to evolve, it's going to take a lot of conscious people to lead the way. Yet, the vast majority of us who are engaging in these practices are making the same mistakes. I believe we tend to put far too much emphasis on the need to work out our personal psychological issues as part of our spiritual path.
The way this plays out practically is: let's say that you take up an inner-child healing practice in earnest, and you notice in the course of that practice that you're deeply hurt, harmed and abused. Upon discovering this, as psychologically informed people, our tendency is to go further inward and deeper into our past. We start plunging into the depths of our psyche trying to find and uproot the causes of our issues, fears and insecurities, etc. Some of us find ourselves going back digging through not only the circumstances of this lifetime but also potential past-lives. I am not saying doing this is right or wrong. But at some point, if you continue to land in disempowered, painful and suffering situations, it perpetuates your suffering. I believe that is not the ‘only’ way to heal pain and dysfunction.
Even though there is absolutely true benefit from inner-child healing, there is also trouble with too much "archaeological digging" into the past-life depths of your psyche. Although it might lead to some degree to greater self-understanding of what ‘potentially’ may have happened, it won't necessarily make it any easier for you to move forward. It might even take you further away from reality and get you stuck in the misinterpretations of the unknown past. In some cases this can perpetuate sub-conscious self-dysfunction more than before.
It's important to recognize that this tendency toward self-preoccupation isn't our fault. This habit grew out of our over-psychologized culture which basically told us that we were all damaged by our childhood, birthing, ancestral history, and that we have ‘inner wounds’ that need to be healed in order to become happy and fulfilled as adults.
As the world's Eastern wisdom traditions have been imported to the West, this pathology-focused worldview has gradually become superimposed onto the spiritual path. But when we let go of this compulsion to work out our problems and instead begin to directly engage in a path of authentic evolutionary transformation, we begin to discover that we also have access to a part of ourselves that is already free from our past limitations and issues, our soul.
It is the discovery of the soul connection within that was never wounded or traumatized, and that doesn't need to be healed because it is already whole and complete. This part of the self has access to boundless energy, creativity, and positivity. It is completely ready to participate in life fully, boldly, and passionately.
When we step into this part of ourselves we feel instantly connected to the heart of life, and energized by connection. Miraculously, what we find in doing this work is that when we connect to it and begin to act from this deeper, truer part of ourselves, then many psychological issues, blocks, wounds, complexes, and neuroses that previously seemed so concrete suddenly seem to dissolve.
The fact is they haven't dissolved. They can still be reactivated if we step back into the perspective of pain and suffering. But in light of powerful potential, and the profound sense of purpose and meaning that comes with it, we discover a powerful intention to no longer fall back into our ‘issues.’
We are defined by the stories we consistently tell ourselves. As our awareness of this healthy self grows, our old habits and issues become less and less interesting to us. They gradually lose their power over our psyche. It can make a big difference! In this alignment we begin to discover the real meaning of disengaging from the old story. We learn that this is not something we have to wait for. It can happen now if we're willing to give it our attention.
Rhonda McFarland 2013
Why Bad Things Happen to Everyone
Today many of us are engaging in a tremendous amount of spiritual and physiological conscious work on ourselves. We're meditating, praying, attending workshops, seminars, and retreats. This is good news because if mankind is going to evolve, it's going to take a lot of conscious people to lead the way. Yet, the vast majority of us who are engaging in these practices are making the same mistakes. I believe we tend to put far too much emphasis on the need to work out our personal psychological issues as part of our spiritual path.
Most individuals are not consciously creating negative events. At the core of our being is wholeness. It is invalid to say a sick person, rape victim, unhealthy baby or child consciously attracted illness or misfortune. No one is to blame, and no one should be faulted for these challenges that happen in all of our lives. Most individuals are not at fault when bad things happen because they did not ‘intentionally’ create the situation. When we look at the linear perspective of the individual experience there are accidents, challenges, winning and losing, and that is simply part of life!